Insure4Sport offers specialist insurance policies to cover PTs and fitness instructors, coaches, teams and individual players and participants in over 400 of the most popular sports and activities in the UK.
View all sports we cover:
- Abseiling
- Acro Dance
- Acrobatics and circus skills
- Adventure racing
- Aerial Circus Skills
- Aerial Hoop Dancing
- Aerial Silk Dancing
- Aerial Yoga
- Aerobic Swimming
- Aerobics
- Aiki Jujitsu
- Aikido
- Airsoft
- American Football
- Angling
- Aqua Zumba
- Aquabike
- Aquathlon
- Archery
- Arm Wrestling
- Athletics
- Australian Rules Football
- Ba Gua
- Badminton
- Ballet
- Ballet Dancing
- Ballet Fit
- Ballooning
- Ballroom dancing
- Bandy
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Belly Dancing
- Biathlon
- Billiards
- Black water rafting
- Blokarting
- Boarder Cross
- Bobsleigh
- Bocce
- Boccia
- Body Attack
- Body Balance
- Body Combat (Non Contact)
- Body Jam
- Body Pump
- Body Step
- Body Vive
- Bodyboarding
- Bokwa
- Boogie Bounce
- Boot Camp
- Bouldering
- Boules
- Bowhunters
- Bowls
- Boxercise
- Boxing (amateur)
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Bridge Climbing
- British Military Fitness
- Bubble football
- Buggy Fit
- Bujutsu
- Bungee jumping
- Burlesque Fit
- Bushcraft
- Cage Fighting
- Calisthenics
- Camogie
- Canicross
- Canoe polo
- Canoeing
- Canyoning
- Capoeira
- Cave tubing
- Caving
- Chair Based Exercise
- Cheerleading
- Chess
- Childrens Multi-Sports
- Children's Multi-Sports
- Chi-Yoga
- Choy Lee Fut
- Circuit Training
- Climbing (Indoor)
- Clubbercise
- Coasteering
- CobraFIT
- Contra Dancing
- Core Power Yoga
- Country Dancing
- Crazy Catch
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Cross Channel Swimming
- Cross Country Skiing
- Cross Training
- Crossbow Shooting
- CrossFit
- Curling
- CX Work
- Cycle
- Cycle Polo
- F45
- Fell Running
- Fencing
- Fight Klub
- Filipino Martial Arts/Escrima
- Fin swimming
- Fishing
- Fit Steps
- Fitball
- Fitball Classes
- Fitness Class
- Fitness Class Instructor
- Fitness Class Participant
- Fitness FX
- Fitsteps
- Fives
- Flag American Football
- Flamenco Dancing
- Floorball
- Flying pole
- Folk Dancing
- Football
- Footgolf
- Forrest Sports
- Free running - indoors and supervised
- Freestyle Kung Fu
- Friskis and Svettis
- FriskisxSvettis
- Futsal
- Paddleboarding
- Padel Tennis
- Paintballing
- Parachute Games (ground only)
- Parachuting
- Paragliding
- Parascending / Parasailing
- Parkour - indoors and supervised
- Personal Trainer
- Personal Training
- Petanque
- Pickleball
- Pilates
- Pilates (including reformer pilates)
- Piloxing
- Pole Dancing
- Pole Fit
- Pole Vault
- Pool (Snooker associated)
- Pot Holing
- Potholing
- Powerbocking
- Powerlifting
- Powerplate
- Pre and Post Natal Fitness Classes
- Pre x Post Natal Fitness
- Preying Mantis
- Psycle
- Rabble
- Racketlon
- Racquet Ball
- Raft Building
- Rambling
- Rebound Therapy
- Rebounding
- Reenactments
- Referee (exc Rugby and Pro Football)
- Ringette
- River Tubing
- Rock Climbing
- Rock Climbing (traditional)
- Rock-it-Ball
- Rogaining
- Rollball
- Roller Derby
- Roller Skating
- Rounders
- Rowing
- Rugby 7s
- Rugby League
- Rugby Union
- Running (indoor cross country path road)
- Running (indoor, cross country, path, road)
- Sail boarding
- Sailing
- Salsa Dancing
- Salsa Fit
- Sambo
- San Soo Kung Fu
- Sand Boarding
- Sand Kiting
- Sand Yachting
- Sandboarding
- Savate
- Scuba Diving
- Sea cliff climbing (roped and protected)
- Sea Kayaking
- Sea Level Traversing
- Segway
- Self Defence
- Self-defence
- Sh'Bam
- Shindo Junen Ryu
- ShindoJunenRyu
- Shinty
- Shooting
- Shotokan
- Skateboarding
- Skeleton Luge
- Ski bobbing
- Skiing (on-piste)
- Skiing/Snowboarding Off Piste
- Skipping
- Skipping Classes
- Sky Diving
- Skydiving
- Slacklining
- Snooker
- Snorkelling
- Snow/Ice Climbing
- Snowboarding (on-piste)
- Soccer
- Softball
- Speedskating
- Spinning
- Spinning Classes
- Sports Climbing
- Sports Massage
- Sports Massage (not in isolation)
- Sports Officials
- Squash
- Stage Posing (body building etc)
- Stand up paddle boarding
- Stingball
- Stoolball
- Street Dancing
- Strongman
- Sumo Wrestling
- Surf Kayaking
- Surf Life Saving
- SurfBoat Rowing
- Surfing
- Sweaty Mama
- Swimmers with disabilities
- Swimming - Open Water
- Swimming (open water)
- Swimming (pool)
- Swimming Classes Pool
- Swing Dancing
- Synchronised Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Taekwondo
- Tai Chi
- Tai Chi Chuan
- TamBeach
- Tambourelli
- Tamburello
- Tang Soo Do
- Tap Dancing
- Tap Fit
- T-ball
- Tchoukball
- Ten Pin Bowling
- Tenniquoit/Tennikoit
- Tennis (inc Mini and Short)
- Tennis (inc Mini x Short)
- Thump Boxing
- Tobogganing
- Touch Football
- Touch Rugby
- Tough mudder
- Tow foiling
- Trampoline
- Triathlon
- TriGolf
- Tri-Golf
- TRX Training
- Tryolean Traversing
- Tug of War
- Tyrolean Traversing
- Wakeboarding
- Walking (trails)
- Walking football
- Walking Guide
- Wallyball
- Water Exercise
- Water Polo
- Water Skiing
- Waterpolo
- Weight Lifting
- Wheelchair basketball
- Wheelchair bowls
- Wheelchair curling
- Wheelchair rugby
- White collar boxing
- White water rafting
- Windfoiling
- Windsurfing
- Wing Chun
- Wing Foiling
- Wing SUP
- Wing Surfing
- Wing Tsun
- Wrestling
- Wushu
Can’t find your sport or activity?
Sports we don't coverWhat is a risk group?

Every single sport or activity that we cover carries a risk of accident or injury, and is therefore placed into a risk group. This risk group is the same across all categories; PTs and fitness instructors, coaches, teams, and players and participants. Each sport or activity is deemed to carry a different level of risk; risk group A being the lowest and risk group E being the highest. Lower risk sports and activities include; personal training, netball and dance, and higher risk sports and activities include; American football, skiing and skateboarding.
What is the coach/instructor to participant ratio?

All of the sports and activities covered under our PT & Fitness Instructor and Coaches policy will have a coach/ instructor to participant ratio. This ratio means that each individual coach or instructor can teach up to the specified participant limit at one given time, in order for their specialist sports insurance policy to be valid. E.g. for football, you can coach up to 16 people at any one time. If there are more participants involved than the ratio allows, the coach or instructor can designate a ‘helper’ to act as a spotter. The helper doesn’t need to be qualified, however they cannot coach or instruct.