Whether you’re a personal trainer that’s just starting out or you’ve been in and around the game for a long time, you’ll know all too well how important your marketing is.
Knowing how to market yourself as a personal trainer is one of the most effective ways of securing new clients and finding gym instructor roles. And having a good personal trainer bio is a big part of this.
Your bio (biography) explains who you are and what you do.
What is a personal trainer bio?

Think of a personal trainer bio like any other form of bio. Chances are you already have one for your Twitter or Instagram account—what does it say?
Your personal trainer bio is your chance to sell yourself, your experience, what you do, your expertise, and how you can help others.
Knowing how to write a personal trainer bio can be difficult, especially when first starting out. But a good bio should be relatively short, concise, and easy to read, but most importantly—persuade people to invest their time, money and trust in you.
How to write a personal trainer bio: 5 tips and tricks

Like most marketing tactics, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to writing a personal trainer bio. Nobody knows what you can offer better than you do, so this is your chance to flaunt it.
However, there are several things you can do to make your bio stand out from the crowd.
1. Write in the first person
First thing’s first, writing your personal trainer bio in the first person is by no means essential. In fact, you’ll find many trainers don’t bother.
Some argue this writing style is a little egotistic—but writing in the first person makes your bio a much more personal affair if done properly. Using pronouns such as I, we and us not onlyputs you in control but demonstrates your personal attachment to the cause and makes the reader feel included and part of the experience you’re selling.
Writing in the first person allows you to build a direct rapport with readers, adds credibility and authenticity to your words, and helps readers visualise the success you can achieve together.
2. Focus on your clients and what they want
This point may seem to undermine the one above, but in reality—it shouldn’t.
Although writing in the first person, you must be careful not to make your personal trainer bio all about you. Yes, clients want to know that you’re qualified and can provide what they’re looking for, but that should never be the sole focus.
Your bio should demonstrate that you understand your client’s needs and will put them at the heart of your training programmes. Whether your client wants to lose weight, bulk up, or just get fitter—show them that you understand and can help them do so.
Nobody wants to work with a self-obsessed PT. Trust us!
3. Include relevant personal touches
Indeed, people often feel more inspired by others that have been through similar experiences.
Think back to before you became a personal trainer and what first inspired you to become one. Perhaps you were unhappy with your physique and wanted to change, or maybe you’ve overcome certain obstacles or a traumatic experience to get to where you are today.
Your clients and potential clients will likely be going through the same. So, include those relevant personal touches in your bio, and your clients will relate to you.
Remember—friends first, clients second.
4. Don’t waffle and avoid jargon
A good personal trainer bio should be short, sharp, and understandable.
Don’t use overcomplicated industry jargon that ordinary people won’t understand. Speak in everyday terms and get to the point.
5. Sound approachable
Once you’ve written the first draft of your bio (yes, there’s nothing wrong with having a few attempts before settling on the final version), get a friend or family member to read it and give you honest feedback. Would they work with you based on what you’ve written if they didn’t know you?
Read it back yourself, too. Would you work with you?
If the answer’s no, you’ve got work to do still. Research suggests many people often find gyms and exercise environments scary and intimidating, so your bio should allay those fears and make readers think more positively about starting their fitness journey.
Personal trainer bio examples
Though, of course, your personal trainer bio should be unique to you, there’s nothing wrong with checking out a few existing online bios for creative inspiration. In fact, we’d encourage it.
The personal training and fitness industry strives to be an inclusive, welcoming one—and as competitive as it gets at times, you’ll still find many personal trainers out there willing to give others a helping hand.
We’ve picked a few personal trainer bios that stand out to us. See what you think.

We like this bio because it mentions helping clients in the first line. Straight away, this tells us that this PT has their priorities in order.
This trainer also shows that they understand the challenges people face when striving for personal change but will do their best to help and motivate. It’s a yes from us.

This bio contains those all-important personal touches we mentioned earlier, and it’s pretty clear that this PT loves what they do. You should never underestimate the power of enthusiasm when trying to motivate others.
After all—if you aren’t passionate yourself, how can you expect others to be?

Again, this PT gets straight to the point with how they aim to help their clients. The first paragraph alone tells readers everything they can expect from working with this PT, and demonstrates their knowledge of good nutrition, too, as well as exercise.

Remember what we said earlier about being approachable? This bio is a fantastic example of that. By encouraging people to find them on the gym floor for a chat, this PT comes across as friendly and paints a welcoming picture of themselves and their gym.
Specialist personal trainer insurance with Insure4Sport
Having a well-written personal trainer bio is one thing, but you may also want to consider protecting yourself and your clients with insurance if you’re serious about a career in personal training. Not only is having insurance often a requirement to work in certain gyms, but you may also find some clients are unwilling to work with you unless you have it.
With Insure4Sport, specialist personal trainer insurance is designed to cover you if your equipment is lost, damaged, stolen, or if a client makes a claim against you.
Learn more about specialist personal trainer insurance with Insure4Sport and get an online quote today.
How to design personal training packages (step-by-step)