Have you thought about exercising in the great outdoors?


Indoor fitness classes have become incredibly popular over recent years, in particular with people who have trouble squeezing long workout sessions into their daily routine. Sessions such as body pump, spinning, Zumba and Boxercise remain all the rage with those looking to get fit, relieve stress and improve their strength. And despite the poor spring we’ve had so far there’s plenty going on outdoors too. Group activities such as British Military Fitness, circuit training and Parkruns are taking place in town and cities across the UK and they’ve never been more popular.

Fitness boot camps continue to attract a lot of participants, in part thanks to the variety of exercises involved which can range from star jumps and short sprints to med ball sessions. From an instructor’s point of view there’s a considerable amount of freedom available when it comes to planning sessions and often more opportunities to introduce fun activities that produce results.

So are you better off exercising indoors or outdoors? Well that’s a question that is being asked right now by researchers at the University of Stirling. They’re about to begin a year-long study involving around 100 volunteers with the aim of discovering whether working out in a gym or in the fresh air tends to lead to a healthier lifestyle. The results of the experiment are set to be published next year.

Insure4Sport is involved with fitness coaches who run regular outdoor classes all over the country. To help them concentrate on running sessions and avoid being unduly worried about safety and liability issues, we have created specific fitness class instructor cover and personal trainer insurance packages. During fitness sessions in public places it is highly likely that you will come into contact with members of the public and therefore it’s essential to have suitable public liability cover in place. We can help get you fully insured in no time at all so just get in touch to find out more about our sports insurance policies.

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