Enrolling in a martial arts school can be an incredibly rewarding thing to do. But understandably, you’ll have a few concerns about what equipment and uniform to take with you to your first session. One of the great things about martial arts is that it doesn’t cost too much to get started when compared with a…
It’s cold. It’s raining. But you’re a footballer and you need to train. Luckily help is at hand: the days of simply running up and down the steps of your local town hall or lifting a medicine ball above your head are thankfully long gone. Today, there is a huge range of sophisticated training aids…
There’s a theory among some sports coaches that skipping (or ‘jump-rope’ as it’s known in the USA) is one of the most effective exercises you can do if you want to lose weight. The key to this is the fact it’s a cardio exercise that boosts your heart rate so your cardiovascular system improves and…