Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment. It is currently experiencing a huge wave of popularity and interest, and some large organisations are urging their employees to practise it. Personal trainers and fitness instructors are cottoning on to this trend too. Some studies have shown mindfulness can improve…
Using public space to train clients for outdoor fitness classes has become a minefield. Every council, parish and landowner has different rules, and what you think is a public space may actually be private land. If you’re a personal trainer or fitness instructor looking to hold classes in public parks and spaces, then the following…
Boxing might be one of the world’s oldest sports, having been an Olympic sport since 688 B.C, but it’s essentially the same today as it was back then. Apart from equipment used, that is. Instead of fighting with bare fists, boxers now wear gloves and very often a head guard. The training regimes and nutrition…
Once the New Year is a distant memory, it often becomes harder for PTs’ clients to stick to their regimes. The New Year’s good intentions start to fall away and you may see your client’s motivation start to slip – especially if they are not getting the results they want as quickly as they’d hoped.…
Few sportsmen and women are as fussy about their kit as cricketers. Whether it’s bats, pads, gloves or even the cricket bag itself, cricketers will pore over catalogues trying to find exactly the right item for that suits both their physical frame and style of play. The majority of cricket equipment is designed to protect…
Protein bars have become the supplement of choice for all kinds of athletes. For many keen sportsmen and women, they have become a regular part of their supplemental regime. But there’s a big difference in the quality of protein bars in the marketplace. The popularity of protein bars is hardly surprising when you consider that…
While rugby players might disagree, American football is a dangerous sport. Despite all the padding and helmets, one study of 35 former professional American football players found that 34 showed signs of brain injuries. This is mainly put down to the fact that unlike rugby players, American footballers tackle with their heads in a butting…
The month of January is a time when gyms across the land will be packed with newcomers desperate to make a positive change to their lifestyle. While this tends to annoy the regular gym goers, gyms and personal trainers (PTs) know it’s a great opportunity and one that shouldn’t be wasted. At Insure4Sport, we speak…
Christmas is a time when we all over indulge. If you kept up a strict fitness regime until then, then Christmas is when you’re more likely to relax a little and eat exactly what you wanted for a few days. But come January, it’s probably time to take a fresh look at your diet and get…