Top tips for PTs: motivating disillusioned clients

Once the New Year is a distant memory, it often becomes harder for PTs’ clients to stick to their regimes. The New Year’s good intentions start to fall away and you may see your client’s motivation start to slip – especially if they are not getting the results they want as quickly as they’d hoped. With this in mind, here are some top tips to help you keep them motivated and keep them progressing towards their goals.

Set goals


Your client will most likely have an overarching goal. This could be something as specific as losing a set amount of weight in two months or being able to lift a certain weight, or it could be less easily measurable, such as they just want ‘to be fitter’. Setting small and achievable goals can help keep your client motivated. It could be a timed run or a certain number of reps. Then, if they start feeling demotivated, you can highlight the short term goals they have achieved to help them see the progress they are making.

Review progress

Personal trainer assisting a woman with dumbbells exercise, group of people behind them exercising.

When you reach a milestone, review your client’s progress and make sure to praise them if they’ve reached their goal. If they haven’t quite got there yet, there will probably be at least one positive you can highlight. Overall, bringing it back to these small goals and achievements means there will always be some progress to highlight and celebrate.

It’s important to regularly review the client’s goals too. Have they changed? Do they want to focus on something new? Ask them how they think they are doing – if they are not positive about their progress then find out why and tweak your programme accordingly.

Keep things interesting

personal trainer training man with heavy kettle bell

Clients can lose motivation if they get bored. Doing the same routine week in, week out can mean your clients won’t want to keep up their training sessions long term. Keep changing or introduce something new every week or so if you can. If there is a particular exercise or part of the programme that your client really doesn’t like (and not just because it’s difficult) – drop it and find something else that works better for them.
As personal trainers, you have a duty of care to your clients to help them achieve their fitness goals in a safe manner. Insure4Sport is here to offer comprehensive personal trainer insurance, with a policy tailored to your needs to ensure that everything you need is covered.

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